Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dodger Pride (A Short Story)

As I have written about in other posts, going to Dodger games is a family tradition for us.  A few nights ago we took the boys to a "action figure night."  Which means they turn one of the outfielders into an action figure.  My kids adore all things heroic and to get a baseball player and an action figure in one, well that is one step short of "ohmygoshmyheadisgoingtoexplode" great for them.

Sean with his "super heroes"

"I have to go potty." Drew said with a little urgency in his voice.  This used to be the cue for; run like hell he is about to pee.  Drew is now as a very capably 3 1/2 year old, so it generally means, lets get moving, but you don't have to run.  I got up, picked up Drew and put him over a the row behind us, seat etiquette is big for us can't walk down the row mid-inning, and started the walk to the bathroom.

Once we got to the top of the steps Drew turned and reached his arms up (the universal parent please pick me up motion.)  I picked up Drew and he looked at me and with a twinge of excitement said "Let's run Daddy"  So I hunched over a bit and started the old school potty sprint to the bathroom.

We got into the bathroom and what is wonderful about the gorgeous Chavez Ravine is the fact that it has troughs for the men's urinals.  I usually avoid the trough and take Drew to the single urinal, as my son has no issues touching all things in the rest room and I have a bit more control with the single urinal.  But today he couldn't help but have to try the giant stainless steel trough.

Drew did great and once again had a successful potty experience, and since I was there I decided now was as good a time as any to go as well.  Once I finished I picked Drew back up, and with a look of pure sweetness Drew looked me in the eye and said "Daddy you did a great job with the potty, I am so proud of you"

Final Score Dodgers 2 - Mets 0 and one proud 3 year old

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