Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fat Tire

Summer is well into full swing, the order of the day is to stay in the pool and keep the air conditioning off.

So, about a week ago my wife and I hosted a party for our Godson.  It was really special for me, as I have never been a Godparent before.  This has been something I have been really hoping to do for some time and to have the opportunity to be able to focus on the spiritual growth of a person is extraordinary.

When the baptism was complete everyone headed to my home and drank homemade lemonade, ate great food and visited.  Within about an hour the lemonade was gone, and I took to my favorite beer, Fat Tire Amber ale.  At or about this same time I decided it was time for the pool.  The kids all jumped in the pool, my kids played mostly on the steps and I began having a "life" moment.  I was sitting with old family friends, people who changed my diapers, people who knew me long before I remembered being, these people sat and shared this wonderful day with our family.

This felt sort of like when just today I realized, it is July, I mean the year just started and it is July.

Talking to my friends it dawned on me, these are my friends, at one point they likely wiped my nose and carried me, I had a great adventures with their kids, and even rented a room from them.  It was almost as if I blinked and it was "July".

Life started moving at warp speed three and a half years ago when my first son was born.  I discovered that kids don't just demand your energy, they commandeer your time.  I plan 6+ months in advance to see people, 5 years ago that would have been a laughable thought for me to do.  If I don't plan on seeing some people that far off, I'm not sure when I would see them.

I sat really taking my time with my beer, really enjoying it, soaking in the event I was sharing with my new "friends."  Writing this now I now realize in no time it is going to be "July" and I will be sitting with my children's friends and they will be seeing me as an Andrew...not Mister.

Being in the moment does that though, when you are busy and regularly going places and doing things it is remarkable how quickly life speeds up.  You can't really slow it down either, at least I haven't figured out how.  My job change a few years ago dramatically shifted my days off routine, and I began noticing myself saying "Yes! I still have two more days off" and now I say "Man...I only have two more days off"

I want more than anything now, to have as much time with life as I can get.

Life over a Bottle of Fat Tire Amber Ale


  1. I agree. Life goes by even when you don't realize it. I still can't believe I'm the age I am because most days I still feel 25. It's wonderful to have a combination of old friends that really ground you and newer friends to celebrate life with too.

  2. That's funny you mention 25, my dad told me that even now in his head he thinks he is 25, and he says that it doesn't really change as you age.
