Sunday, July 17, 2011

Many Roads

I started my blog over one year ago.  My desire to express myself in written word grew to the point that I decided to "publish" my thoughts.  Writing has become in many ways a plant.  As I have written it started off with a burst of enthusiasm, multiple posts in a week, many in a month.  The effort I dedicated and the ideas I had were flowing freely and the early growth was robust and exhilarating.  Time caught up with me and all of the sudden I was not as easily motivated and the ideas I had flowing like a spring were no longer bubbling to the surface as easily.  The plant didn't die, but rather started to mature a bit and growth wasn't as easy or quick.  I returned to my writing but with much more limited roll and tried to focus and hone my idea a bit before placing it on the page.  What occurred was curious, I actually began to have an abundance of ideas, a lot of flowers on a plant, but little fruit.  All of the sudden I was thinking of many things to write,  but they felt more like an immature fruit, not yet ripe, but still forming.

As I sit here even now I have 2 unfinished posts, and a good 3 more I know could make a worthy mention and post, but the finishing touch, the tie in, what makes the idea fully click has yet to reveal itself.

A year ago I would be hard pressed to think of multiple ideas at once, the stove didn't feel big enough for all the pots to simmer, and now the stove is full of pots, but none of the fires seem hot enough to finish the meal.

Frustrating, and intriguing; I like it.

I like to have a buffet of thought to peruse, I can contemplate something more fully, and figure out what it really means.  Of course the danger becomes to over think something.  Sort of like reducing a sauce, if you wait to long there is too much sugar or salt and the sauce to thick, the idea is overly complicated or the post is far too wordy.

Lastly is too forget a plant is in the garden, or the pot is on the stove.  The plant grows out of control the fruit is no longer usable, or plant dry and gone.  The soup evaporated and pot charred.

I think I need to apply a bit of the exercise principle now to my budding words.  I should focus on at least "working out," regardless of feeling, in order to continue to grow.

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