Wednesday, May 18, 2011


When I wake up, within a few seconds I roll over and examine the glowing red clock and see if I should wake up.

No, lets start over. That is not reality.

When I wake up, within a few seconds I roll over and curse the glowing red clock...I usually take way too long getting out of bed and my incredible wife starts the morning routine without me.  Being tired is what being an adult seems to be about.  I don't know many people my age, older or younger who can't describe themselves as tired on most days, so you'd think that today, a day I took off from work, rolling over, seeing the clock 2 hours later than I had planned on it being would be an epic wonderful monumental good thing.  Well I suppose that's what I'd hope for.

I awoke, 2 hours later than I planned and it is as if the world fast forwarded 2 months and I awoke from a coma.  I planned on awaking by dinner time (I work nights) and having dinner with my kids, bathing them with my wife, reading stories and putting them to bed before a quiet night in the house (heck maybe I would even write a little)

Instead.  I awoke and the sun had set, it wasn't quite dark out and my kids were not home.  I walked through our house in a haze, it felt like the "Twilight Zone."  Where was everyone?  I drew the only conclusion I could come to which of course led me next door to my wife's family where I discovered my children.  They had already been fed of course so now I didn't eat dinner with my family, my daughter was asleep, my boys were settling down for bed, and my wife was not around.

After a momentary flash of parenthood, I chose to play "hotel" with Drew and Sean for a few minutes before taking them home for bed, we got our things settled, and the boys got to sleep in their own beds.  I sat at the computer for a bit waiting for them to get deep asleep before picking up Eva.  Everything wasn't firing right for me.  I started water for some pasta, but forgot it and came back to it to see a pot nearly empty, the water nearly gone.  I finally got my daughter and sat down to eat, as I watched a movie.

My wife came home from work; apparently she woke me earlier in the afternoon and we talked about what is going to happen when I wake up and where she would be.  I say apparently because I may as well have told her I bought the kids ponies and she could have a 15 carat diamond tennis bracelet because I won the lottery, I don't have a clue what we talked about.  So after I was clued in to a conversation I had in a sleeping mist my wife went to bed.

What the hell happened to my day.

I am fairly sure that my wife and I could use like a solid two extra hours of sleep a night for I don't know the next 5 years, but if this is what 2 hours of sleep does to me I think I'll pass.

At least I got some quiet time to sit and write a bit and clear my head...I think I'm going to try and get some sleep now.

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