Friday, November 25, 2011

Travel Log Day 11 & 12 - 11/25/11 thru 11/26/11

Contrary to our early mornings this entire vacation, we did not get up early and go hit the Black Friday sales.  Though I won't lie, I did scour  the ads trying to find a reason to get out, but nothing seemed better than my amazon buys.

We had a lower key morning and planned our great adventure for the day, The Muppets.  Our boys were unsure of this movie but Cristina and I talked it up and tried really hard to get them amped for it, and it worked.  By the time the movie was ready to go the kids were amp'd.  Of course the movie didn't disappoint.  By the time we were home we already bought the soundtrack on Amazon and were listening to it.  Both boys laughed, had a great time, and I think they almost had as much fun as Cristina and I.

We walked the mall a bit after, but for the most part it was a quiet night.   That night we had quite possibly the finest idea and execution ever for Thanksgiving leftovers, Turkey Pot Pie.  Mary Jo used the turkey, left over green bean casserole, veggies, gravy and we had a package of leftover crescent rolls I didn't use from the jewelry party for the top.  It was one of the tastiest ideas ever, and seemed like the most logical idea, I couldn't believe I had never done this or had this the day after Thanksgiving.  We made a salad with some left over dressing from Cristina's birthday dinner and voila dinner was served, and was nearly demolished, with only a tiny bit of pie left over from a rather large tray.

While we vegged out on the couch, eating a bit of pie and watching some TV it was a nice time with my Dad and Mary Jo.

In the morning I threw together some scones as best I could from a new cook book, and they turned out nicely.  We drank some coffee and planned for our first real day out with the kids and my dad.  We decided on going to the Children's Museum in town.

Man, this was a great children's museum.  Right when we walked in there was the most epic water table ever.

 A great water table

Eva, if we let her, would have spent the entire day there getting soaked.  The museum was 3 stories tall, had a fire fighter play area, rope swings, interactive rooms, karaoke, trains, science experiments, fun with static electricity, computers, blocks.  You name it they had it.  If I lived anywhere near this location I would have been there non stop.  This was easily one of the best places we have taken our kids for the money.

The kids came home and built legos with Grandpa.  On the whole a great day out.  As if the day couldn't get any better Cristina and I had a night out.  

The last few times we had been in Louisiana we had met up with one of Mary Jo's nieces.  This time two of her nieces and one of their spouses met us at a nice restaurant in town Bistro 121.  We had great food, a tasty crawfish and shrimp pasta, and a chicken with cream sauce.  The conversation was funny, a pleasant change from kid wrangling and all together a great time.  This would be the only time for us to have a dinner like this and we had a really nice time.  Stories were told that made my side hurt I was laughing so hard.

For a local few days in town Friday and Saturday really fit the bill, days like these make trips like this worth while; seeing people in person and spending time with them while doing fun activities is what we love.

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