Sunday, November 27, 2011

Travel Log Day 13 - 11/27/11

I really love church in a new place.  I don't know anyone, everything is "new" and there are always little surprises.

The boys were able to start their day with children's liturgy of the word which they loved doing.  Eva meanwhile kept Cristina super busy for the rest of mass, but luckily this left me to be able to really listen to the homily.  We were lucky to get the bishop, mass was at the cathedral, and once he started his homily it was a neat moment.  "God wants a close relationship with you, even more than you want one with him."  

So here I was thinking about my faith, my family and just life in general and here is this great statement to chew on, I really enjoyed all I had to think about.  It is almost like I want a great life for my family, but my parents likely want that even more than I can imagine.  I know Drew wants to do well in school and succeed in where ever his life leads, and as he gets older he probably won't believe how much I am pulling for him.  This simple sentence gave me a lot of hope, I know that my creator wants me to succeed and be close with him even more than I can imagine, and in a lot of ways that made me feel great.  I could write more, but I think the beauty of the statement is how much I personal reflection it caused for me, not a defined "this is what I learned."

The boys came back for the eucharistic prayer and then the most pleasant thing occurred during the passing of the peace.  If you are reading at this point you will realize I am Catholic if you didn't already know.  Eva walked down the pew to a woman in her late 50s or early 60s and reached up to be picked up.  The woman looked to us as if to say "can I?" and we nodded yes.  For the next 5 or so minutes till just before going up for communion she held Eva, and Eva loved it, resting her head on her shoulder, little did I know how much the woman loved it.  Apparently when Cristina picked her up for communion the woman was crying a bit.  It turns out that after mass she shared with Cristina how she has 9 grandchildren and none are local and one who visited just left after Thanksgiving.  This is exactly what she needed, and Eva in her own way knew that.  It was a really special moment to witness.

After church we realized the struggle of finding anything open in the South on Sunday, but alas after finding a praise and worship group in the coffee shop we tried, we walked around the corner to The Fat Cat Cafe.  I had a mortadella egg sandwich that was phenomenal and we had a great breakfast as a family.  This place was really in the spirit of our Triple D theme and I would recommend it to anyone in Lake Charles.

Finally we got home and relaxed for the day, I was able to make a really great dinner.  I brined a pork loin stuffed with garlic and rosemary, a salad and mashed potatoes with pan rosemary sauce.  This was the first time I had brined anything and it turned out awesome, I will be brining again for sure.  Dinner was just nice with the family and we all ate our fill.

If I could program every Sunday from her till I die, this Sunday would be the example I would base almost all my Sundays after, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

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