Friday, November 18, 2011

Travel Log Day 4 - 11/18/11

The kids loved the cozy Mommy and Daddy Bed

There were no fancy breakfasts, or busy morning today.  The day was simple, wake up, a light breakfast, key word light and head out of town.  This was marginally successful, the coffee shop in the hotel had mediocre breakfast burritos (not too light) which we split and the kids had cereal.  We left Santa Fe, a little heavy hearted, the city is magnificent and I will be coming back, I think many times, but likely sans children, this is a town I could spend a lot of time with my wife in.

We were only driving to Amarillo, TX, mileage this would be the shortest day, but it was the longest drive.  Even with the generous New Mexico 75 MPH speed limit the drive was boring, and the kids were fried and tired, which equals whiny and nothing is worse on a drive than that.  We arrived in Amarillo, extremely fried around lunch time, at this point I was done.  I asked the wife to fined a Chick-fil-A, the most marginally healthy moderately fast food I could think of.  The past 3 days I had indulged in extremely rich (bad for me) food and needed a simple grilled chicken sandwich.  We checked in, and got settled.  Cristina and I decided we should make dinner because the Homewood Suite we were staying in was awesome with a full size fridge and kitchenette. 

So off to Super Walmart for us, a box of pasta, vodka sauce, and Italian sausage as well as a Caesar Salad.  We also bought some lunch supplies for the next days drive.  Little did I know such a quiet night in Texas could be so pleasant.  I made a nice dinner, which the kids LOVED, we had a "Movie night family" as Drew and Sean say and watched Lion King.  The kids went to bed and actually slept moderately well.

Drew hardly moved from the spot for the movie

This was just a travel day, nothing over the top special, just us driving and ticking miles off.  Simple, but even with the brutal actual drive the night was nice, quiet and hit the spot.  The hotel even had a piano in the lobby that Drew was able to practice his piano on.  

Mileage was just a hair under 300 miles.  But given the wind, and lack of any elevation or sites to be had felt like much more, or maybe that was just the kids whining for large portions of the drive.

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